County Nursing Home Infrastructure Program

This program provided funds to help mitigate and prevent the spread of COVID-19, help ensure facilities are safe for residents and their families, and support facility improvements.

About the Program

The County Nursing Home Infrastructure Program provides County nursing facilities with funds to help mitigate and prevent the spread of COVID-19, help ensure facilities are safe for residents and their families, and support facility improvements.

The program is open to all 10 Counties in New Hampshire, will be facilitated in two rounds should funding allow, and will cover up to 40% of eligible costs related to infrastructure/capital improvement investments for eligible County nursing homes, with the County providing the remaining 60%.

An individual submitting an application on behalf of a County for a particular facility or facilities will be asked to provide proof of authorization by that County prior to any award being submitted for authorization by the Governor & Executive Council.

The first funding round will be competitive, for applications resulting in a minimum award of $5 million and intended for projects that may need a longer construction window to reach completion within ARPA deadlines, may be further along in project development, or the identified needs being addressed are more pressing or life-threatening.

The second round will be noncompetitive, be intended for applications resulting in a minimum award of $1 million and focus on projects still in the early stages of development, in need of more time to prepare and submit an application, and for counties that need additional time to assess needs. Should eligible awards exceed available funds in the second round, grants will be issued on a pro rata basis, subject to a cap.

Awards will be issued to fund capital improvements, building expansion, HVAC improvements, and renovations to help update and modernize outdated capital equipment, facilities, and buildings. All reimbursed costs have to be allowable expenses under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFRF) award and applicable guidance.  

This program utilizes a “paper” application. Applicants will download and complete a fillable PDF document and then email it and any supporting documentation directly to GOFERR.

GOFERR will first review completed applications that contain all necessary support and documentation that are received by the end of the Round 1 application period. Should funding remain after Round 1, GOFERR will review completed applications received by the end of the Round 2 application period.

Applications should be completed and submitted promptly, as they may require follow up and additional documentation or information.

If an award is made, approval by Governor and Council will be required.

Important Dates & Timelines

Round 1: August 23 – September 9, 2022; Completed applications must be received by 4:00 PM.

Round 2: October 18, 2022 – November 1, 2022; Completed applications must be received by 4:00 PM.

This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.


This program is open to all ten New Hampshire Counties to benefit nursing home facilities owned by the Counties, for improvements to and/or expansion of County nursing homes.

Each facility must be actively licensed and in good standing.

In this program, awards can be issued for eligible projects that are already completed, ongoing, or new for costs incurred after March 3, 2021. Projects must be completed by September 30, 2024, with the potential for limited exceptions.

How to Submit an Appeal

Applicants will receive notice of the initial determination and amount of award, if any. They will then have fifteen (15) business days from the date of the initial notice to contest the determination.

Reasons to contest eligibility and/or award determinations are limited to the following:

  • If the determination was based on eligibility, provide an explanation and evidence to substantiate your claim about why your facility is actually eligible for the program
  • If you are contesting the calculation of the award, provide an explanation and evidence supporting that the calculation of the award, based on the information submitted in the application, is in error
    • Note: If the error was in the applicant’s submission, only scriveners or obvious typographical errors can be corrected

The appeal request and evidence shall be submitted in writing electronically to GOFERR Appeals mailbox. The appeal will be determined based on the written submission and documents in GOFERR’s possession. No hearing will be held.

Applicants will receive a notice of the determination on the appeal. No further appeal is allowed.

This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions

County Nursing Home Infrastructure Program Frequently Asked Questions