Locality Equipment Purchase Program

This program provided support of up to $50,000 per New Hampshire locality (cities and towns) for purchasing safety and emergency equipment needed as a result of or in response to the health crisis and its negative effects.

About the Program

The Locality Equipment Purchase Program provides support of up to $50,000 per New Hampshire locality (cities and towns) for purchasing safety and emergency equipment needed as a result of or in response to the health crisis and its negative effects.

Among other things, that could include equipment needed in response to personnel shortages related to the health crisis.

All reimbursed costs have to be allowable expenses under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund.

In order to obtain this benefit, cities and towns (hereinafter “localities”) must apply for the matching grant by June 3, 2022 and must have acquired the equipment by December 31, 2022. If an award is made, approval by Governor and Council will be required.

Important Dates & Timelines

October 29, 2021 - Application Period Opens
June 3, 2022 - Application Period Closes

This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.


This program is open to New Hampshire cities and towns (hereinafter, locality/localities).

Each locality will be eligible for a grant up $50,000. A 10% match by the locality is required. To obtain the maximum $50,000 award a locality will need to acquire eligible equipment with a total cost of at least $55,556.

A locality may request funding based on the acquisition of more than one piece of eligible equipment and a cost in excess of the grant amount, but the State will only contribute $50,000 through this program.

Purchases, financed purchases, as well as leases and lease-to-purchase, and similar financial agreements used to purchase equipment are allowed, however, the State will only match the portion paid prior to December 31, 2022.

Eligible Equipment must meet the definition of 2 CFR 200.33, which establishes a minimum value of $250 for equipment to qualify. And it must be for safety and/or public health response and prevention equipment expenditures that have assisted or will assist the locality is responding or being prepared to respond to COVID-19.
The cost of the equipment must not have been reimbursed or covered by other state or federal programs or agencies.

Although automatically qualified for up to the amount of the award that has been calculated, localities must still submit details and documentation on what specific equipment will be or has been purchased and the reason for the expenditure, including the COVID-19 connection.

This program can be used for reimbursement of past qualifying expenses, if they were incurred on or after March 3, 2021.
It can also be used for future purchases that occur prior to December 31, 2022. Payment for future purchase will be on a reimbursement basis, after the locality has sufficiently obligated the acquisition. Please see the program’s FAQs for additional details.

The application must be completed and submitted utilizing the GOFERR grant portal by June 3, 2022, including all supporting documentation for existing equipment.

Applicants will need to use an internet browser such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Google Chrome to complete the application. Internet Explorer will not work properly with this application.

How to Submit an Appeal

Applicants will receive notice of the initial determination and amount of award, if any. They will then have 15 calendar days from the date of the initial notice to contest the determination.

Reasons to contest eligibility and/or award determinations are limited to the following:

  • If the determination was based on eligibility, provide an explanation and evidence to substantiate your claim about why your business is actually eligible for the program
  • If you are contesting the calculation of the award, provide an explanation and evidence supporting that the calculation of the award, based on the information submitted in the application, is in error
    • NOTE: If the error was in the applicant’s submission, only scriveners or obvious typographical errors can be corrected

The appeal request and evidence shall be submitted in writing electronically to GOFERR Appeals mailbox. The appeal will be determined based on the written submission and documents in GOFERR’s possession. No hearing will be held.

Applicants will receive a notice of the determination on the appeal. No further appeal is allowed.

This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Locality Equipment Purchase Program Frequently Asked Questions