Municipal Boat Launch Investment Program
This program provided funding for reimbursement of expenses related to repair or replacement of existing, municipally-owned boat launches and associated structures.
About the Program
This program will be used for reimbursement of expenses related to repair or replacement of existing, municipally-owned boat launches and associated structures. Typical examples of costs eligible for reimbursement would be construction materials, demolition, design, immediate parking area construction costs, signage investments to improve accessibility for disabled users, and labor costs associated with the afore-mentioned expenses.
The maximum amount that will be awarded for any single project will be $100,000. The Municipality will contribute at least 25% of the total eligible costs submitted for reimbursement and ARPA SFRF will pay up to 75% (up to $100,000). A project may exceed the allowable amount; however, the extra costs will be the responsibility of the Municipality.
Municipalities must submit an application for each individual boat launch for which they are seeking funding.
The application must be completed and submitted utilizing the GOFERR grant portal by Thursday, June 1, 2023, at 4:00 PM, including all supporting documentation. Municipalities are encouraged to submit completed applications as early as possible before the deadline. If a Municipality misses the deadline, it cannot be considered for an award under this program.
How to Apply
This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.
How to Submit an Appeal
Applicants will receive notice of the initial determination and amount of award, if applicable. They will then have 15 business days from the date of the initial notice to contest the determination.
Reasons to contest eligibility and/or award determinations are limited to the following:
- If the determination was based on eligibility, provide an explanation and evidence to substantiate your claim about why your entity is actually eligible for the program.
- If you are contesting the calculation of the award, provide an explanation and evidence supporting that the calculation of the award, based on the information submitted in the application, is in error.
- Note: If the error was in the applicant’s submission, only scriveners or obvious typographical errors can be corrected.
- GOFERR’s determination regarding allowability of expenses and adequacy of documentation are final and are not subject to appeal.
The appeal request and evidence shall be submitted in writing electronically to GOFERR Appeals mailbox. The appeal will be determined based on the written submission and documents in GOFERR’s possession. No hearing will be held. Applicants will receive a notice of the determination on the appeal. No further appeal is allowed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Municipal Boat Launch Investment Program Frequently Asked Question