Youth Residential Facility Improvement Program
This program provided funding to support a percentage of costs for eligible projects by non-profits that provide transitional housing for young adults under the age of 2, are recognized and licensed by DHHS to provide youth treatment in a residential setting, or a youth or young adult homeless shelter, housing individuals aged 18 to 25.
About the Program
A second round of The Youth Residential Facility Improvement Program has been authorized and includes expanded eligibility for youth or young adult homeless shelters. Please see below and the FAQs for additional information.
This program provides support for up to 50% of the cost of eligible projects, up to a maximum award of $5,000,000 per entity, for New Hampshire non-profits that provide transitional housing for young adults under the age of 22, are recognized by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and are currently licensed by DHHS to provide youth treatment in a residential setting, or a youth or young adult homeless shelter, housing individuals aged 18 to 25.
The application for Round 2 has been updated to reflect programmatic changes. Program is closed; applications are no longer being accepted.
Of the initial $25,000,000 fund authorized for Round 1, $10,000,000 has been made available for Round 2.
Applications should be completed and submitted promptly, as they may require follow up and additional documentation or information.
If an award is made, approval by Governor and Council will be required.
Important Dates & Timelines
- Round 1 – Complete – May 13, 2022 – First Round of Completed Applications Reviewed; June 10, 2022 - Application Period Closed
- Round 2 – Ongoing – Application Period Closes – Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at 4:00 PM
This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.
How to Apply
This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.
Under Round 2, this program is open to New Hampshire non-profit entities that operate youth or young adult shelters housing individuals aged 18 to 25, or are such entities that provide transitional housing for young adults that are recognized by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and currently licensed by DHHS to provide youth treatment in a residential setting.
An applicant that is currently licensed (in good standing) by DHHS to provide youth treatment in a residential setting must also hold one of the following residential based child care program license types with DHHS:
- Group Home;
- Child Care Institution;
- Homeless Youth Program; or
- Independent Living Home.
Additionally, an applicant must be registered with the New Hampshire Charitable Trusts Unit of the Department of Justice.
In this program, awards can be issued for eligible projects that are already completed, ongoing, or new for work done after March 3, 2021. Payment of funds will be made on a reimbursement basis for expenditures incurred by December 31, 2023.
Under Round 2, entities that received an award in Round 1 may still be eligible. An entity that received an award in the previous round can apply for funds for a new project with another eligible facility; with a maximum award per entity of $5,000,000 total. Only one award for eligible expenses will be issued to each eligible facility in this program. If awards are being sought for multiple facilities owned or operated by a single entity, each facility must complete a separate application.
Please indicate in the application and/or in response to GOFERR outreach if the entity intends to submit applications for multiple facilities/projects.
The project or expenses must be for facility improvements designed to:
- Improve indoor air quality,
- Mitigate the spread of respiratory diseases including COVID-19,
- Improve the provision of services,
- Physical modifications that address staffing challenges, or
- To ensure the health and safety of program participants, while maintaining the approved program capacity.
If an application involves construction of a new congregate facility, as opposed to rehabilitation or remodeling of an existing structure, additional information and documentation will be required as part of the application. See FAQs for more detail.
Note: Operational costs are not eligible, and U.S. Treasury defines capital expenditure in 2 CFR 200.13 and capital asset in 2 CFR 200.12, which GOFERR will use as guidance in determining eligible expenditures. Additionally, all reimbursed costs have to be allowable expenses under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund.
This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.
How to Submit an Appeal
Applicants will receive notice of the initial determination and amount of award, if any. They will then have 15 business days from the date of the initial notice to contest the determination.
Reasons to contest eligibility and/or award determinations are limited to the following:
- If the determination was based on eligibility, provide an explanation and evidence to substantiate your claim about why your facility is actually eligible for the program
- If you are contesting the calculation of the award, provide an explanation and evidence supporting that the calculation of the award, based on the information submitted in the application, is in error
- Note: If the error was in the applicant's submission, only scriveners or obvious typographical errors can be corrected
The appeal request and evidence shall be submitted in writing electronically to GOFERR Appeals mailbox. The appeal will be determined based on the written submission and documents in GOFERR's possession. No hearing will be held.
Applicants will receive a notice of the determination on the appeal. No further appeal is allowed.
This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.
Frequently Asked Questions
Youth Residential Facility Improvement Program Frequently Asked Questions