ARPA Transparency

An overview of American Rescue Plan (ARPA) related transparency resources.

Interactive Overview of ARPA State Fiscal Recovery Funds

The below dashboard provides an interactive overview of how American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFRF) have been utilized by New Hampshire. Site visitors can search and filter data, view more specific details by "hovering" over key sections.

The information is broken down by categorical and project specific allocations, obligations, and expenditures. Dashboard data will be refreshed on a monthly basis, contingent upon any updated data being available. Obligations and expenditures will receive quarterly updates, coinciding with the federal reporting process. A more detailed view of these metrics is available using the View More Detail button at the bottom of the dashboard and searching or filtering as desired.

Each project or program authorization can be accessed via the View Fiscal Item Tracker button. And, individual expenditure level data can be accessed via the View In Check Register Format button.

For data-related questions, please contact the Governor's Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery at

Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Program

Under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the State received a total of $112 million in Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to distribute to New Hampshire non-metropolitan cities and towns (so-called Non-Entitlement Units or NEUs), this includes all NH municipalities except for Dover, Manchester, Nashua, Portsmouth and Rochester – these five cities receive separate FRF allocations directly from U.S. Treasury as metropolitan cities. Each NEUs allocated share of total funding and the amount that is payable in the first tranche may be accessed here.

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