Business Recoupment Relief Program

This program provided awardees of the Main Street Relief Fund, SELF, and GAP programs, and/or the 2020 Live Venue Stabilization Program an opportunity to apply certain COVID-19 related business expenses toward any federally mandated recoupment requirements.

About the Program

The Business Recoupment Relief Program provided awardees of the Main Street Relief Fund, SELF program, the GAP program, and/or the 2020 Live Venue Stabilization Program an opportunity to apply certain COVID-19 related business expenses toward any federally mandated recoupment requirements. The New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration or GOFERR will notify any business if this requirement applies to them.

Important Dates & Timelines

June 24, 2021 – Application Period Opens
August 27, 2021 at 4PM – Application Period Closes

This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.


This program is limited to the Main Street Relief Fund, Main Street Relief Fund 2.0, Self-Employed Livelihood Fund, General Assistance and Preservation Fund (GAP) for-profit, and 2020 Live Venue Relief Program awardees that are notified by the Department of Revenue or GOFERR that their reporting indicates that they owe recoupment because their actual revenue losses do not cover the full amount of their award. This program modifies the terms of the initial awards to allow COVID-19 related business expenses to offset up to the full amount of recoupment owed.

Please note, no new awards will be issued.

How to Apply

If you have been notified that you owe less than $10,000 in recoupment, you fall within the de minimis threshold, which means you do not owe money and there is nothing more you need to do. Businesses with more than $10,000 owed in recoupment can claim COVID-19 related business expenses up to the amount they owe in recoupment by submitting one of two possible applications:

Self-Certify: COVID-19 related business expenses being claimed that are at or below $20,000. No additional documentation is required for this application.

Document: COVID-19 related business expenses being claimed in excess of $20,000. Businesses will be required to submit basic documentation of all claimed expenses with this application.

This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.

How to Submit an Appeal

If you did not receive the full amount that you requested in recoupment offset, you may submit an appeal in writing to GOFERR Recoupment Appeals mailbox. within 15 calendar days of the notice of determination on your application.

This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Business Recoupment Relief Program Frequently Asked Questions