Municipal & County Payments
This program provided funding to NH municipalities and counties to help cover COVID-19-related expenses in 2020, not covered by FEMA or any state or local matching programs.
To submit a request for Reimbursement Request Form and Grant Agreement or for questions, please email:
Cities & Towns: GOFERR Municipal mailbox
Counties: GOFERR Counties mailbox
This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.
Municipalities that have not submitted grant agreements as of August 27, 2020
- February 26, 2021 Updated Municipal Guidance – FEMA Subgrantee Notice
- Coronavirus Relief Fund Payments to Local Governments Program Overview and Guidance
- Best Practices
- July 21, 2020 Updated Municipal Guidance - Subgrantee Notice 02
- May 28, 2020 Updated Municipal Guidance - Subgrantee Notice
- Town-by-Town Allocation Totals
- GOFERR Grant Agreement
- GOFERR Reimbursement Request Form
- SN-04 Sub-grantee Notice Municipal and County Fund
- Subgrantee Notice SN 20.03
- Joint GOFERR SoS guidance re CARES elections funding
- Close Out of Contract