New Hampshire Higher Education System Grants

This program provided funding to the University System of New Hampshire and Community College System of New Hampshire to cover eligible COVID-19 related expenses to build out infrastructure that would strengthen, expand, and support remote and distance learning, contract tracing, and Coronavirus testing.

About the Program

The Governor has authorized the emergency allocation and expenditure of $15 million total, $10 million to the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) and $5 million to the Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH).  These two institutions are essential to a post-pandemic economy.  The funds for USNH are to cover eligible COVID-19-related expenses incurred from March 1, 2020 to December 30, 2020.  Specifically, the funds are intended to support USNH’s plan to build out the infrastructure to strengthen and expand its ability to consistently deliver remote, online learning and degree programs, as well as funds for coronavirus testing and contact tracing of students, faculty and staff.  These programs are critical to USNH’s ability to open campuses this fall and to ensure the resumption of classes, research, and other programming.  

The $5,000,000 for CCSNH is to fund “Back to the Lab” learning supports, funding needed to enable socially distanced learning, and funds for coronavirus testing. CCSNH had a robust online learning platform prior to the pandemic, enabling it to efficiently transition to remote learning.  The Back to the Lab learning supports are needed for lab and hands-on courses that need to be delivered in person.  These funds will assist students who are completing degrees and certificates in the technical trades as well as students working to complete lab hours to meet licensing requirements.   In addition, CCSNH seeks to outfit facilities to allow for more socially distant on-campus learning.  This includes expanding lab times and instruction and setting up additional lecture capture technology.  

Grant Agreement: USNH and CCSNH will submit a signed grant agreement to GOFERR to be eligible for the funds.  

Required Record Keeping: USNH and CCSNH must maintain records sufficient to show that expenditure of these funds was for allowable uses as described below.  As is noted in the grant agreement, the institutions shall make those records available for the State upon request.

Guidance on Allowable Uses:

  • The University System of New Hampshire may use the $10,000,000 in Cares Act Relief Funding for:
    • Coronavirus testing and coronavirus contact tracing for students, faculty and staff
    • Planning for isolation and care of those that become infected
    • Enhancing online and remote learning
    • Modifications necessary for on-campus social distancing
  • The Community College System of New Hampshire may use the $5,000,000 in Cares Act Relief Funding for:
    • The Back to the Lab learning supports
    • Modifications necessary for on-campus social distancing, including enhanced cleaning of facilities
    • Coronavirus testing
  • These funds must be used for costs “incurred” during the period March 1, 2020 to December 30, 2020.

This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.