NH COVID Community Support

This program provided funding for communities of color and other historically marginalized communities in New Hampshire impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

About the Program

The Governor has authorized the allocation of $500,000 in state’s CARES ACT Coronavirus Relief Funds to support the COVID-19 specific needs of communities of color and other historically marginalized communities in New Hampshire.  The NH Community Support Program is administered by the Governor’s COVID-19 Equity Response Team.

Important Dates & Timelines

Application will be reviewed and awarded in the two cycles:

  • All application received by November 24, will be reviewed beginning on November 25, 2020. Award decisions will be made on an expedited basis.  
  • Application reviewed November 25, 2020 through December 3, 2020 will be reviewed on a rolling basis and awarded until all funds are expended.

Funds must be utilized by December 30, 2020.

This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.

Eligibility Criteria

These funds must be used for either:

  • A new COVID-19 specific project or a new expansion of an existing project that falls under one or more of the areas identified below (see bullets).
  • To support costs that were incurred providing COVID-19 specific services that fall under one or more of the identified areas below (see bullets). These expense must have been incurred between March 1, 2020 and December 30, 2020.

Funding is available for the following needs:

All proposed uses of the funds must be to support costs incurred providing COVID-19 services between the dates of March 1, 2020 and December 30, 2020.

  • COVID specific education or messaging focused on Communities of Color and/or non-English speaking communities in NH.
  • Programs that promote connection and community-building in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic for Communities of Color in NH.
  • Increased access to technology that can support children and families during COVID-19.
  • Support for increasing environmental or structural modifications for increasing COVID-19 safety (such as plexi-glass, PPE, etc).
  • Support for funerary, burial costs for families in financial need that suffer a loss due to COVID-19.
  • Support for increasing access to food, housing, childcare, eldercare and supplies for Communities of Color and economically disadvantaged families in NH that have had a loss of household income, or increased expenses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Support for access to isolation and/or quarantine housing support necessary as a result of  COVID-19.
  • Support for increased access to COVID testing for Communities of Color in NH.
  • Remote learning supports (technology, remote learning sites, tutoring, etc) needed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Increased support for Communication Access (interpretation and translation services including live, telephone, virtual and signage) related to COVID-19 services or needs.
  • Other needs not outlined above that are specific to COVID-19 impact of vulnerable communities in NH.

How to Apply

The application is a fillable form. Please complete and submit your application, electronically, to the COVID Community Support mailbox.

This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.