Veterans Relief and Support Fund
This program provided funds to help veterans in the Granite State through the New Hampshire Veterans COVID-19 Relief and Support Fund.
About the Program
Governor Chris Sununu has authorized the allocation of $7 million in CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund (“flex funds”) to help veterans in the Granite State through the New Hampshire Veterans COVID-19 Relief and Support Fund. The fund is intended to assist homeless veterans, aid veterans service programs that provide direct traditional services, such as financial assistance, and provide mental health support. This program is also designed to assist local veterans organizations such as American Legions and Veterans of Foreign Wars chapters, while also providing funding for mental health supports.
The COVID-19 pandemic may have a disproportionate impact on the state’s veterans. A recent study released by the Bob Woodruff Foundation raised concerns about the impacts of the pandemic on veterans, including a “perfect storm” of trauma, social isolation, and unplanned job losses, all of which threaten “the mental health of many veterans, particularly those with pre-existing mental health conditions.” This fund is intended to provide resources to address these challenges for Granite Staters who have proudly served their country.
Funding is allocated as follows: $2 million for expanded mental health services, $2 million in traditional veterans’ services, $2 million to address homelessness, and $1 million to assist veterans service organizations (VSO) such as VFWs, American Legions, and Disabled American Veterans Chapters (DAVs) that have lost revenue due to COVID-19.
The New Hampshire Department of Military Affairs and Veteran Services is administering two of these programs:
The Traditional Veterans Services Support Program
This program will provide grants to eligible organizations/business applicants that provide traditional services to NH Veterans. Such providers must have either experienced or anticipate an increased service demand or expenses as a result of COVID-19 between 3/1/20/20 – 12/30/20/20. A "traditional service" is defined as a direct service that meets the human need of a Veteran by focusing on prevention, as well as remediation of problems related to the social determinants of health and maintains a commitment to improving the overall quality of life for the individual. This includes services such as:
- Transportation to healthcare appointments or to meet other basic needs (i.e., food pantry, grocery store, etc.)
- Employment supports for Veteran (vocational training)
- Domestic violence intervention (outside of shelters)
- Home Services (cleaning, home care, companionship)
- Clothing assistance
- Food, nutrition
- Physical therapy
- Respite for caregivers of elderly or disabled Veterans
- Recreation & wellness
- Service coordination/case management/family support services
- Legal/advocacy services
- Financial services (classes, counseling)
- Hospice/homecare services
- Relief funds (emergent needs)
- Other
The application period ended August 10, 2020 for the Traditional Veterans Services Support program.
This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.
The Veterans Service Organization (VSO) Support Program
This program will use $1 million in CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund (“flex funds”) to address the impacts of COVID-19 on Veterans Service Organizations, such as VFWs, American Legions, and Disabled American Veterans Chapters (DAVs) that have lost revenue due to COVID-19.
A “Veterans Service Organization” is defined according to Internal Revenue Code sections 501(c)(19) and 501(c)(23). To be exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(19), an organization must be either:
- Post or organization of past or present members of the United States Armed Forces;
- An auxiliary unit or society of such post or organization; or,
- A trust or foundation for such post or organization.
To be exempt under Code section 501(c)(23), an organization must meet the following requirements:
- It is an association organized before 1880;
- More than 75 percent of its members are past or present members of the United States Armed Forces; and,
- It has a principal purpose of providing insurance and other benefits to veterans or their dependents.
- Applications for a grant under the Veterans Service Organization (VSO) Support Program must be submitted by 4:00 PM on Monday, August 10, 2020.
The application period ended August 10, 2020 for the Veterans Service Organization (VSO) Support Program.
Traditional Veterans Services and Veteran Service Organizations (VSO) Support Programs Awards
This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.
Swimming With a Mission, a New Hampshire nonprofit, is administering the following program:
The New Hampshire Veterans Homelessness and Mental Health Support and Relief Program
The New Hampshire Veterans Homelessness and Mental Health Support and Relief Program, utilizing $4 million in CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund (“flex funds”), is providing grants to organizations performing critical services for New Hampshire veterans, such as expanded mental health services and services addressing veteran homelessness.
This program is closed; applications and appeals are no longer being accepted.