CARES Act Transparency

An overview of CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) related transparency resources.

CRF Transparency Map

To find a specific recipient, site visitors can utilize one of several built-in capabilities, which includes: filter by Fund or Program, filter by a specific New Hampshire municipality, searching for a street name or recipient name, or, if they so choose, utilizing the map itself to zoom into a specific location to find the recipient's exact location. The map also offers site visitors the ability to view the award amounts on either municipality or county level by changing the selected map view via the drop-down menu. The section titled "Funds Disbursed by Recipient" will display all relevant awards based on a search or selection.

For data-related questions, please contact the Governor's Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery at

Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboards

An archive of New Hampshire's CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds trackers in 2020, 2021, and 2022.

View More Dashboards