Advisory Board Presentations

A list of advisory board presentations for the Governor's Office of Relief and Recovery.

Monday, April 15, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting Presentations

  • State Agency Presentations
    • Department of Safety
    • Health and Human Services
    • Department of Employment Security
    • Department of Education
    • Department of Corrections
    • Department of Business and Economic Affairs
    • Department of Transportation

Monday, April 20, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting Presentations

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting Presentations

Thursday, April 23, 2020 Stakeholder Advisory Board Meeting Presentations 

Friday, April 24, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting

  • Friday, April 24, 2020 Written Responses Submitted to the Stakeholder Advisory Board
    1. Tuscan Brands, Joseph Faro, Principle (Page 2)
    2. The Music Hall, Patricia Lynch, Ex. Director (Page 7)
    3. SGI Realty LLC/Bellamy Fields and Watson Fields, Dr. John Hopkins  (Page 14)
    4. Seacoast Mental Health Center and NH Community Behavioral Health Association, Jay Couture, President and CEO (Page 17)
    5. The Learning Path, Donna Hajjar, President (Page 24)
    6. NH Alliance of Regional Development Corporations, Justin Slattery (Page 30)

Monday, April 27, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting

  • Monday April 27, 2020 Written Responses Submitted to the Stakeholder Advisory Board
    1. Concord Regional Visiting Nurse Association/Home Health and Hospice, Beth Slepian PT, MBA, President/CEO (Page 2)
    2. Veterans Count (Easter Seals), Rick Courtemanche, Easterseals NH Board Member and Veterans Count Seacoast Chapter Member (Page 7)
    3. NH Lodging and Restaurant Association, Mike Somers, President and CEO (Page 13)
    4. Grafton Regional Development Corporation, CEO (Page 19)
    5. Easterseals NH, ME, VT and Farnum, Maureen Beauregard, President/CEO (Page 25)
    6. St. Joseph Hospital, John Jurczyk, President and Richard Plamondon, VP Finance (Page 31)
    7. Waypoint, Borja Avarez de Toledo (Page 53)
    8. Stephens- Marquis, Bill Marquis (Page 41)
    9. Infinite Fitness, Melissa Marquis (Page 46)
    10. Women’s Rural Entrepreneurial Network, Pam Sullivan, Ex. Dir. (Page 50)
    11. St. Mary’s Credit Union, Ron Covey, President/CEO (Page 56)
    12. Palace Theatre, Peter Ramsey, President/CEO (Page 60

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 Stakeholder Advisory Board Meeting

  • Additional Written Responses Submitted to the Stakeholder Advisory Board 1 of 2
    1. 3sArtspace, Beth Falconer, Ex. Director (Page 2)
    2. Association of Builders and Contractors of NH VT, Josh Reap, Pres. (Page 9)  
    3. Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation (COAST), Rad Nichols  (Page 15)
    4. Cross Roads House, Martha Stone, Ex. Director (Page 24)
    5. Focus Eye Care, Dr. Scott Huffer, Co-Owner (Page 32)
    6. Labelle Winery and Event Center, Amy Labelle, Owner (Page 38)
    7. Lakes Region Community Developers, Carmen Lorentz, Ex. Director (Page 44)
    8. Moriarty Chiropractic, Dr. Kevin Moriarty, Owner (Page 51)
    9. NH Brewers Association, Jeff Cozzens, President (Page 55)
    10. NHSPCA, Lisa Dennison, Ex. Director (Page 66)
    11. NH Community Loan Fund, Jennifer Hopkins, Director of Single Family Housing, (Page 72)
    12. OVP Management, Robert Barsamian, President and Dorthea Seybold, GM (Page 82)
    13. Seacoast Mental Health Center, Jay Couture (Page 89)
    14. YMCA of Greater Nashua, Mike Lachance, CEO (Page 96)
  • Additional Written Responses Submitted to the Stakeholder Advisory Board 2 of 2
    1. Conway Eye Care and Coos Eye Care, Dr. Angelique Sawyer, Owner and Immediate Past President of NH Optometric Association (Page 2)
    2. NH Business Finance Authority, James Key-Wallace Ex. Director (Page 7)
    3. Tinios Pro Hospitality Group, John Tinios, President (Page 16)
  • Written Presentations - This document includes comments from the following Business Organizations
    1. Conway Eye Care and Coos Eye Care, Dr. Angelique Sawyer, Owner (Immediate Past President of NH Optometric Association)
    2. The Music Hall, Patricia Lynch, Ex. Director
    3. The Learning Path, Donna Hajjar, President
    4. Tinios Pro Hospitality Group, John Tinios, President
    5. NH Alliance of Regional Development Corporations, Justin Slattery
    6. NH Business Finance Authority, James Key-Wallace, Ex. Director

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting

Thursday, April 30, 2020 Stakeholder Advisory Board Meeting

  • Written Responses Submitted to the Stakeholder Advisory Board
    1. Beer Distributors of NH, Scott Schaier, Ex. Director (Page 3)
    2. Community College System of NH, Shannon Reid, Ex. Dir. Of Governmental Affairs and Communications, et al(Page 13)  
    3. Eckman Construction, Preston Hunter, Vice President (Page 46)
    4. Elm Grove Companies, Newton Kershaw III, CEO and Head of Acquisitions (Page 51)
    5. Fellowship Housing Opportunities, Nancy Egner, Ex. Director (Page 58)
    6. Gateways Community Services, Sandra Pelletier, President and CEO (Page 65)
    7. Granite United Way, William Sherry COO and Cary Gladstone Sen. Dir. Of Asset Building Strategies (Page 72)
    8. Lang’s Landscape Services, Linda Lang, Corporate Secretary (Page 79)
    9. Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter, Michael Reinke, Ex. Director (Page 81)
    10. NH Association of Realtors, Marc Drapeau, President and Chris Norwood, Broker/Owner (Page 85)
    11. NH Coalition of Recovery Residences, Kim Bock Ex. Dir. And Kristine Paquette, Chair (Page 92)
    12. NH Cooperative Extension, Amy Papineau (Page 102)
    13. NH Hospital Association, Steve Ahnen (Page 106)   (See Excel Spreadsheet in separate document)
    14. NH Legal Assistance, Sarah Mattison Dustin, Ex. Director (Page 112)
    15. NH Timber Owners Association, Jason Stock, Ex. Director (Page 121)
    16. Landlords, Nick Norman on behalf of many landlords (Page 130)
    17. Northeast Organic Farming Association, Laura Harz, President of BOD (Page 139)
    18. Sheehan Phinney Bass and Green, Attorney Kenneth Viscarello (Page 151)
    19. Southwestern Community Services, Craig Henderson, Dire. Of housing Stabilization Services (Page 160)
    20. Twin Pines, Andrew B. Winter, Ex. Director (Page 165)
    21. The Triangle Club, Michelle Murch, Ex. Director and Sandra Jalbert, Board Chair  (Page 172)
    22. University System of NH, Todd Leach, Chancellor (Page 179)
    23. Yankee Fisherman’s Co-op, Jim Titone, President (Page 187)
    24. Families in Transition-(FIT), Cathy Kuhn, Chief Strategy Officer (Page 193)
    25. Grace House of Windham, Susan Pike, Owner/Administrator (Page 197)
    26. NH Housing Authorities Corporation and Portsmouth Housing Authority, Craig Welch, President (NHHAC) Ec. Director (PHA) (Page 202)
    27. Joint Comments of NeighborWorks, Housing Partnership and Homeownership Center, Paul McLaughlin, Renee Woodard and Matt Manning (Page 206)
    28. RDC Alliance (Follow up), James Key Wallace (Page 211)
  • Written Presentations - This document includes comments from the following Organizations
    1. Maureen Beauregard, President & CEO, Easter Seals
    2. Russ Grazier, CEO, Portsmouth Music & Arts Center
    3. Borja Alverez de Toledo, President & CEO, Waypoint
    4. Michael Lachance CEO, Greater Nashua YMCA
    5. Richard Ober, President & CEO NH Charitable Foundation & Katherine Easterly Martey Executive Director Community Development Finance Authority

Friday, May 1, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting

Monday, May 4, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 Stakeholder Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting

Thursday, May 7, 2020 Stakeholder Advisory Board

Friday, May 8, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting

Monday, May 11, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 12, 2020 Stakeholder Advisory Board Meeting Presentations

Thursday, May 14, 2020 Stakeholder Advisory Board Meeting Presentations

Monday, May 18, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting Presentations

Tuesday, May 19, 2020 Stakeholder Advisory Board Meeting Presentations

  • Written Responses Submitted to the Stakeholder Advisory Board
    1. NH Lodging and Restaurants Association, Mike Somers, President/CEO (Page 2)
    2. Path Resorts, Justin Cutillo, Vice President (Page 8)
    3. Tuscan Brands, Joseph P. Faro, Principle, (Page 15)
    4. NH Attractions and Ski Areas, Jessyca Keeler, President Ski NH (Page 20)
    5. Labelle Winery and Event Center, Amy Labelle, Owner (Page 33)
  • Additional Written Comments submitted to the Stakeholder Advisory Board
    1. Carroll County Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Mary Carey Seavey, Director (Page 2)
    2. Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation, Jeff Donald, Community Transportation Manager (Page 7)
    3. Greater Salem Caregivers, Richard O’Shaughnesssy, Executive Director (Page 14)
    4. Ready Rides, Steve Goodspeed, Treasurer (Page 21)
    5. Rockingham County Nutrition Meals on Wheels, Executive Director (Page 27)
    6. Rockingham Planning Commission, Scott Bogle and Southern NH Planning Commission, Nate Miller, (Page 35)
    7. Nashua Regional Planning Commission, Jay Minkarha, Ex. Director (Page 38)
    8. Souhegan Valley Transportation Collaborative, Carol Books, Chair (Page 41)Nashua Transit System, Camille Pattison, Manager (Page 46)

Tuesday, May 26, 2020 Stakeholder Advisory Board

Wednesday, June 17, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday, June 24, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday, July 1, 2020 Legislative Advisory Board Meeting Presentations