
Healthcare System Relief Fund Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ’S for the COVID-19 Emergency Healthcare System Relief Fund (CEHSRF)

I am experiencing difficulties logging in to the grant application, what can I do?

Those wishing to apply to the Healthcare Relief fund must first create an account. Even if your organization applied to a program using a paper application previously, you must create an account. Applicants experiencing difficulty in signing on were using an incorrect username.  The typical username is the individual’s email followed by “.egrants”.  A password reset won’t work until the individual enters a properly formatted username.  Users should consult the email that was sent after they created an account to ensure the proper username is utilized to reset their password.

How do I enter a negative pre-tax loss for 2019 or 2020 in response to Question 9?

The program does not allow letters or symbols in the text box. Applicants will need to submit optional supporting documents in Step 3 of 5, verifying a negative value. If no supporting documents are supplied, it will be assumed that values entered in these fields are positive.  

For County Nursing Homes, which Program should I be seeking our nursing home expenses from, the Long Term Care Relief Fund or the Municipal and County Relief Fund Allocation?

County Nursing Homes can apply for their increased expenses due to COVID-19 from either the Long Term Care Relief Fund or the Municipal and County Relief Fund, but they cannot claim the same expenses from both programs. As a government owned facility, the county nursing homes cannot be compensated under either program for lost revenue. The DHHS committee that will review the Long Term Care applications is aware of this limitation.  

The application seems to require revenue or expense information in multiple questions. If we include it in one answer, should we not include the same revenue or expense in subsequent responses?

Applicants should include the funds received and expenses in all the locations where it is appropriate. Some of the questions are different ways of getting at the same information and are a way to verify that applicants are correctly reporting information.  Applicants should report their increased taxes due to LTCS in monthly expenses, but also break it out in COVID-19 specific expenses. They would include all the revenue received from all sources in monthly gross revenue, but also list COVID-19 specific payments such as LTCS and CARES direct payments on the separate line for COVID-19 reimbursements.

When reporting revenues, should applicants report on a cash basis or modified accrual basis as there may be significant differences between these numbers each month?

The COVID-19 pandemic impact on revenue reported on a cash basis may lag because healthcare and long term care providers are generally paid after services are rendered. The lag may beat least partially offset by requiring the cash on hand projections for the next 6 months. Because the applications ask for at least 3 months revenue, either way of reporting should show the impact of COVID-19 by at least May. Applicants can report revenues either way, but they should tell us which they are using and must use the same method for 2019 as for 2020.   

Where we borrow Tax Anticipation Notes to assist with our cash flow and subsidize the Nursing Home with taxes collected in December, how do they want us to factor those amounts into Cash on Hand required by month?

Applicants should report Cash on hand the way it is normally maintained in their accounting books. If you feel a further explanation is needed, that can be included in the explanation of the business’s needs.


For a County Nursing Home, what method should we use for the Days Cash on Hand because the nursing home funds are combined with the County.  The nursing homes do not have their own cash account.

Cash on hand is only one of the questions. If the County Nursing Home has none, they could put 0 or enter the remaining amount of their budget and explain the answer in their request for how much funding is needed.


For Long Term Care, can we apply to use the grant money to extend the stipend that ends June 30, 2020? The $600 unemployment benefit continues through July and we would like to offset that.


Would it be possible to get a complete copy of the questions on the application?  I cannot move to the next pages without completing the entries on each page.

No, but Applicants are able to go back to correct the pages once the form is completed. No changes can be made to an application after the deadline, June 19, 2020. 

I submitted my application timely during the initial application phase, why do I have to resubmit?

The initial application did not have all of the information required to determine eligibility for CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) funding. In addition, the change from a loan program to grants and streamlining of the application and binding grant documentation process requires that the new supplemental application form be submitted by all Health Care Provider applicants that still desire to obtain funding. Finally, because some applicants may have seen their financial situation change since their initial application submission, it is necessary to collected updated financial information to ensure that the most acute needs are prioritized.

I received a loan in the initial phase of funding, but it was only for a small fraction of my losses. Can I apply again?

Not at this time.  If there are remaining funds or future funding allocated, there may be a new round of applications accepted.

What is the definition of Long Term Care?

Residential skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, home health care agencies, and other congregate residential living facilities that provide healthcare services to the elderly that are licensed by DHHS under RSA 151 and regulated by NH Administrative Rule He-P 803, HE-P 804, He-P 805, HE-P 809, He-P 822, He-P 823, and He-P 824.

What does “remain operational” mean?

The healthcare provider must be currently providing services that they are licensed to provide or are within their scope of practice to clients in New Hampshire and will continue to do so.     

I received a loan in the initial phase of funding, but you are now giving grants. Can my loan be converted to a grant?

GOFERR and the CEHSRF team will be reviewing these loans for compliance with the CRF funding criteria, as well as early conversion to grants, as soon as all applicants have been reviewed and a decision is made on each. You will be contacted for further information to assist this evaluation as soon as possible.  
My business has multiple offices or sites. Should I submit an application for each one?  

No. If your business operates under single ownership structure and files consolidated tax returns or charitable trust annual reports, you should file a single application.

If my financial situation has changed and I need more or less funding than I requested in my initial application, can I change the amount of relief I am requesting?

Yes, though you should provide sufficient information to explain why you are requesting a different amount than initially requested. Due to the level of existing need and limited resources, only those applicants who demonstrate the most acute needs will be considered for a larger amount of relief than the amount initially requested.