Have all COVID-19 funds been obligated?
Have all COVID-19 funds been obligated?
Yes. All COVID-19 funds, from CARES and ARPA, have been obligated prior to the December 31, 2024 deadline, as required by federal law.
How Can We Help You Today?
Governor's Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery
In March 2020, under Executive Order (EO) 2020-04, Governor Sununu declared a State of Emergency for the State of New Hampshire in response to the National Emergency, Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak.
In April 2020, Governor Sununu issued EO 2020-06, which established and ordered the creation of the Governor's Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOFERR). Under EO 2020-06, the Governor directed GOFERR "shall have the power and responsibility to assist the Governor and Legislature with and direct State agencies on the management and expenditures of emergency relief funds received under CARES Act".
Since 2020, GOFERR has built and employed standardized business processes, policies, and resources that have supported the facilitation and management of all aspects of program and financial activities for both the CARES and ARPA Funds. All COVID-19 funds have been obligated, as required by federal law, prior to the December 31, 2024 deadline.
GOFERR will retain essential staff to continue critical work required to insure COVID funds have been spent in compliance with Federal and State requirements, projects are completed, any misuse use of funds are investigated and reported, etc. This work will continue through the project, monitoring, audit, and reporting deadlines of December 31, 2026.
All COVID-19 funds have been obligated, as required by federal law, prior to the December 31, 2024 deadline
- Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Program
- NH Recovery Plan Performance Report
- NH State Fiscal Recovery Fund Obligations
- NH HAF Program Annual Report
Under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), the State received a total of $112 million in Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to distribute to New Hampshire non-metropolitan cities and towns (so-called Non-Entitlement Units or NEUs), this includes all NH municipalities except for Dover, Manchester, Nashua, Portsmouth and Rochester – these five cities receive separate FRF allocations directly from U.S. Treasury as metropolitan cities.
Read the current New Hampshire Recovery Plan Performance Report submitted to U.S. Treasury.
An overview of New Hampshire’s American Rescue Plan State Fiscal Recovery Fund obligations.
Read the current New Hampshire Homeowner Assistance Fund (NH HAF) Program Annual Report.